Summary: Meghan Chase used to be an ordinary girl...until she discovered that she is really a faery princess. After escaping from the clutches of the deadly Iron fey, Meghan must follow through on her promise to return to the equally dangerous Winter Court with her forbidden love, Prince Ash. But first, Meghan has one request: that they visit Puck--Meghan's best friend and servant of her father, King Oberon--who was gravely injured defending Meghan from the Iron Fey.
Yet Meghan and Ash's detour does not go unnoticed. They have caught the attention of an ancient, powerful hunter--a foe that even Ash may not be able to defeat....
Yet Meghan and Ash's detour does not go unnoticed. They have caught the attention of an ancient, powerful hunter--a foe that even Ash may not be able to defeat....
Review: I didn't think this story was as good as The Iron King, but then again it wasn't a full story so I guess I should give it some slack. It was still a good story, but I wish more went on when Wolf attacked. I'm hoping he shows back up later in the series. I kind of want Liaden to come back in the series too. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Oh and yay for some more Grim! Even though it wasn't a lot. I'm so ready to read The Iron Daughter now.