Summary: When Richard Mayhew stops one day to help a girl he finds bleeding on a London sidewalk, his life is forever altered, for he finds himself propelled into an alternate reality that exists in a subterranean labyrinth of sewer canals and abandoned subway stations. He has fallen through the cracks of reality and has landed somewhere different, somewhere that is Neverwhere.
Review: This book was creepy and weird and wonderful. I had only read Gaiman's MG books so far, but i am certainly looking forward to his Fiction books now. I liked Richard because he makes the change from timid man to fighter very well. I think Door might have been my favorite character simply because she was pretty cool. There was talk in the book about a betrayer in the group, but you kind of have it narrowed down by the time you find out who the betrayer is. That's probably the only thing I didn't like. I was kind of hoping it was going to be this grand surprise. Then again what happens after was pretty shocking. And finding out who killed Door's family was surprising too. If you are looking for an odd sort of fiction book with good twists and characters then I ask you to pick up this one.
4 howls
Review: This book was creepy and weird and wonderful. I had only read Gaiman's MG books so far, but i am certainly looking forward to his Fiction books now. I liked Richard because he makes the change from timid man to fighter very well. I think Door might have been my favorite character simply because she was pretty cool. There was talk in the book about a betrayer in the group, but you kind of have it narrowed down by the time you find out who the betrayer is. That's probably the only thing I didn't like. I was kind of hoping it was going to be this grand surprise. Then again what happens after was pretty shocking. And finding out who killed Door's family was surprising too. If you are looking for an odd sort of fiction book with good twists and characters then I ask you to pick up this one.
4 howls