In An Absent Dream by Seanan McGuire

Synopsis: This fourth entry and prequel tells the story of Lundy, a very serious young girl who would rather study and dream than become a respectable housewife and live up to the expectations of the world around her. As well she should.
When she finds a doorway to a world founded on logic and reason, riddles and lies, she thinks she's found her paradise. Alas, everything costs at the goblin market, and when her time there is drawing to a close, she makes the kind of bargain that never plays out well.

Review: We get a Lundy book, and I am not ready. In an Absent Dream is, by far, my favorite book in the series. It does have flaws, but I loved seeing where Lundy came from. We meet her in Every Heart a Doorway, but this is her backstory. This is her door. I related to Lundy so much. She had a hard time making friends until she gets swept away to the goblin market. She is such a smart character, and I loved how the goblin market allowed her to utilize her knowledge and form loopholes within trades.

The goblin market is my favorite world we’ve encountered so far. It’s dark, but not malicious. It requires you to think about the interactions you have. Anyone who is a fan of fae stories where characters have to play with their words a bit, then they would probably like In an Absent Dream. I will say that I wish this was a full length novel. I wanted a better grasp of the goblin market’s rules, and there are events alluded to in this book, but we don’t actually get to see them. Still, the underlying narrative about promises, friendship, and the value of things like family, relationships, etc more than make up for what this book lacks

Beautiful, heartbreaking addition to the Wayward Children series.

5 howls
