Super Lucky's Tale (Game Review)

Super Lucky's Tale is a cute platformer where you play as Lucky, and you get sucked into a magical book. You have to find various clovers by finishing specific tasks to complete the game. Super Lucky's Tale was designed to be an easy collectathon for anyone who didn't grow up getting all 100 coins in every Mario 64 level, or all 100 musical notes in Banjo-Kazooie. We won't talk about the unnecessary amount of collectibles in Donkey Kong 64. I knew this game wasn't designed for people like me who have grown up collecting all the things, but I still had a good time playing. My biggest problem with Super Lucky's Tale is that I never felt compelled to explore or play more. Every level you play has a secret clover, and  they were never clovers I went out of my way to find. It's certainly a game I would recommend to anyone who has never played a 3D platformer before. None of the fights are too difficult, and the areas you explore are neat. I'm not really going to rate Super Lucky's Tale because, again, this game wasn't really meant to be. It's a solid, "fine" game, but nothing I plan to play again in the future.
