Self-Educate with Non-Fiction

One of the things that I'm trying to work on is incorporating more non-fiction into my reading habits. If you're looking for lists of books to read to help you better understand the racism in America, I'll share a few here.

First up, Starlah from YouTube made a great doc with a ton of resources you can check out. At the bottom, she includes lists of fiction and non-fiction:

I came across this Twitter thread from Victoria Alexander of different books you can read to better educate yourself:

Victoria also made a resource guide doc where she put a ton of information. I would suggest this if you're already pretty aware of how systemic racism is still running America, and want to evolve your education:

The last thing I want to share is a document made by Autumn Gupta and Bryanna Wallace. It's called Justice in June and it allows you to pick how much time in a day you want to spend trying to be a better ally. There is a chart for 10 mins a day, 25 mins a day, and 45 mins a day. What's nice is how guided they made this. They give you all the information you need to start off (books/articles to read, videos to watch, etc) but you can fit other resources into this guide so you can constantly keep coming back to it.
